Interpretation of Dreams  
Allah's Apostle said, ''We (Muslims) are the last (to come) but (will be) the foremost (on the Day of Resurrection).'' Allah's Apostle further said, 'While sleeping, I was given the treasures of the world and two golden bangles were put in my hands, but I felt much annoyed, and those two bangles distressed me very much, but I was inspired that I should blow them off, so I blew them and they flew away. Then I interpreted that those two bangles were the liars between whom I was (i.e., the one of San'a' and the one of Yamama).''
Narrater: (Abu Huraira)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (9)  Hadith No: (160)  
  Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi)  
Musailima Al-Kadhdhab came during the lifetime of the Prophet and started saying, ''If Muhammad gives me the rule after him, I will follow him.'' And he came to Medina with a great number of the people of his tribe. Allah's Apostle went to him in the company of Thabit bin Qais bin Shammas, and at that time, Allah's Apostle had a stick of a date-palm tree in his hand. When he (i.e. the Prophet ) stopped near Musailima while the latter was amidst his companions, he said to him, ''If you ask me for this piece (of stick), I will not give it to you, and Allah's Order you cannot avoid, (but you will be destroyed), and if you turn your back from this religion, then Allah will destroy you. And I think you are the same person who was shown to me in my dream, and this is Thabit bin Qais who will answer your questions on my behalf.'' Then the Prophet went away from him. I asked about the statement of Allah's Apostle : ''You seem to be the same person who was shown to me in my dream,'' and Abu Huraira informed me that Allah's Apostle said, ''When I was sleeping, I saw (in a dream) two bangles of gold on my hands and that worried me. And then I was inspired Divinely in the dream that I should blow on them, so I blew on them and both the bangles flew away. And I interpreted it that two liars (who would claim to be prophets) would appear after me. One of them has proved to be Al Ansi and the other, Musailima.''
Narrater: (Ibn Abbas)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (5)  Hadith No: (659)  
  Interpretation of Dreams  
Allah's Apostle said, ''While I was sleeping, two golden bangles were put in my two hands, so I got scared (frightened) and disliked it, but I was given permission to blow them off, and they flew away. I interpret it as a symbol of two liars who will appear.'' Ubaidullah said, ''One of them was Al-'Ansi who was killed by Fairuz at Yemen and the other was Musailama (at Najd) .
Narrater: (Abdullah bin Abbas)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (9)  Hadith No: (158)  
  Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi)  
Allah's Apostle said, ''While I was sleeping, I was given the treasures of the earth and two gold bangles were put in my hands, and I did not like that, but I received the inspiration that I should blow on them, and I did so, and both of them vanished. I interpreted it as referring to the two liars between whom I am present; the ruler of Sana and the Ruler of Yamaha.''
Narrater: (Abu Huraira)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (5)  Hadith No: (660)  
  Obligatory Charity Tax (Zakat)  
The Prophet went out for the Id prayer on the Id day and offered a two Rakat prayer; and he neither offered a prayer before it or after it. Then he went towards the women along with Bilal. He preached them and ordered them to give in charity. And some (amongst the women) started giving their fore-arm bangles and ear-rings.
Narrater: (Ibn Abbas)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (2)  Hadith No: (511)  
  Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)  
On the day (of the battle) of Uhad when (some) people retreated and left the Prophet, I saw Aisha bint Abu Bakr and Um Sulaim, with their robes tucked up so that the bangles around their ankles were visible hurrying with their water skins (in another narration it is said, ''carrying the water skins on their backs''). Then they would pour the water in the mouths of the people, and return to fill the water skins again and came back again to pour water in the mouths of the people.
Narrater: (Anas)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (4)  Hadith No: (131)  
  Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab)  
The Prophet ordered us to do seven (things) and forbade us from seven (other things): He ordered us to pay a visit to the sick, to follow funeral possessions, to say: May Allah be merciful to you to a sneezer, - if he says: Praise be to Allah, to accept invitation (invitation to a wedding banquet), to return greetings, to help the oppressed, and to help others to fulfill their oaths (provided it was not sinful). And he forbade us from seven (things): to wear golden rings or golden bangles, to wear silk (cloth), Dibaj, Sundus and Mayathir.
Narrater: (Al-Bara)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (8)  Hadith No: (241)  
  Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi)  
When it was the day of Uhud, the people left the Prophet while Abu Talha was in front of the Prophet shielding him with his leather shield. Abu Talha was a skillful archer who used to shoot violently. He broke two or three arrow bows on that day. If a man carrying a quiver full of arrows passed by, the Prophet would say (to him), put (scatter) its contents for Abu Talha.'' The Prophet would raise his head to look at the enemy, whereupon Abu Talha would say, ''Let my father and mother be sacrificed for you ! Do not raise your head, lest an arrow of the enemy should hit you. (Let) my neck (be struck) rather than your neck.'' I saw Aisha, the daughter of Abu Bakr, and Um Sulaim rolling up their dresses so that I saw their leg-bangles while they were carrying water skins on their backs and emptying them in the mouths of the (wounded) people. They would return to refill them and again empty them in the mouths of the (wounded) people. The sword fell from Abu Talha's hand twice or thrice (on that day).
Narrater: (Anas)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (5)  Hadith No: (393)  
  Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi)  
We were informed that Musailima Al-Kadhdhab had arrived in Medina and stayed in the house of the daughter of Al-Harith. The daughter of Al-Harith bin Kuraiz was his wife and she was the mother of Abdullah bin Amir. There came to him Allah's Apostle accompanied by Thabit bin Qais bin Shammas who was called the orator of Allah's Apostle. Allah's Apostle had a stick in his hand then. The Prophet stopped before Musailima and spoke to him. Musailima said to him, ''If you wish, we would not interfere between you and the rule, on condition that the rule will be ours after you… The Prophet said, ''If you asked me for this stick, I would not give it to you. I think you are the same person who was shown to me in a dream. And this is Thabit bin Al-Qais who will answer you on my behalf.'' The Prophet then went away. I asked Ibn Abbas about the dream Allah's Apostle had mentioned. Ibn Abbas said, ''Someone told me that the Prophet said, ''When I was sleeping, I saw in a dream that two gold bangles were put in my hands, and that frightened me and made me dislike them. Then I was allowed to blow on them, and when I blew at them, both of them flew. Then I interpreted them as two liars who would appear.' One of them was Al-'Ansi who was killed by Fairuz in Yemen and the other was Musailima Al-Kadhdbab.''
Narrater: (Ubaidullah bin Abdullah bin Utba)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (5)  Hadith No: (662)  
  Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (pbuh) (Al-Maghaazi)  
We faced the pagans on that day (of the battle of Uhud) and the Prophet placed a batch of archers (at a special place) and appointed Abdullah (bin Jubair) as their commander and said, ''Do not leave this place; and if you should see us conquering the enemy, do not leave this place, and if you should see them conquering us, do not (come to) help us,'' So, when we faced the enemy, they took to their heel till I saw their women running towards the mountain, lifting up their clothes from their legs, revealing their leg-bangles. The Muslims started saying, ''The booty, the booty!'' Abdullah bin Jubair said, ''The Prophet had taken a firm promise from me not to leave this place.'' But his companions refused (to stay). So when they refused (to stay there), (Allah) confused them so that they could not know where to go, and they suffered seventy casualties. Abu Sufyan ascended a high place and said, ''Is Muhammad present amongst the people?'' The Prophet said, ''Do not answer him.'' Abu Sufyan said, ''Is the son of Abu Quhafa present among the people?'' The Prophet said, ''Do not answer him.'' Abd Sufyan said, ''Is the son of Al-Khattab amongst the people?'' He then added, ''All these people have been killed, for, were they alive, they would have replied.'' On that, Umar could not help saying, ''You are a liar, O enemy of Allah! Allah has kept what will make you unhappy.'' Abu Safyan said, ''Superior may be Hubal!'' On that the Prophet said (to his companions), ''Reply to him.'' They asked, ''What may we say?'' He said, ''Say: Allah is More Elevated and More Majestic!'' Abu Sufyan said, ''We have (the idol) Al-'Uzza, whereas you have no Uzza!'' The Prophet said (to his companions), ''Reply to him.'' They said, ''What may we say?'' The Prophet said, ''Say: Allah is our Helper and you have no helper.'' Abu Sufyan said, ''(This) day compensates for our loss at Badr and (in) the battle (the victory) is always undecided and shared in turns by the belligerents. You will see some of your dead men mutilated, but neither did I urge this action, nor am I sorry for it.'' Narrated Jabir: Some people took wine in the morning of the day of Uhud and were then killed as martyrs.
Narrater: (Al-Bara)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (5)  Hadith No: (375)  
  Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)  
The Prophet appointed Abdullah bin Jubair as the commander of the infantry men (archers) who were fifty on the day (of the battle) of Uhud. He instructed them, ''Stick to your place, and don't leave it even if you see birds snatching us, till I send for you; and if you see that we have defeated the infidels and made them flee, even then you should not leave your place till I send for you.'' Then the infidels were defeated. By Allah, I saw the women fleeing lifting up their clothes revealing their leg-bangles and their legs. So, the companions of Abdullah bin Jubair said, ''The booty! O people, the booty ! Your companions have become victorious, what are you waiting for now?'' Abdullah bin Jubair said, ''Have you forgotten what Allah's Apostle said to you?'' They replied, ''By Allah! We will go to the people (i.e. the enemy) and collect our share from the war booty.'' But when they went to them, they were forced to turn back defeated. At that time Allah's Apostle in their rear was calling them back. Only twelve men remained with the Prophet and the infidels martyred seventy men from us. On the day (of the battle) of Badr, the Prophet and his companions had caused the Pagans to lose 140 men, seventy of whom were captured and seventy were killed. Then Abu Sufyan asked thrice, ''Is Muhammad present amongst these people?'' The Prophet ordered his companions not to answer him. Then he asked thrice, ''Is the son of Abu Quhafa present amongst these people?'' He asked again thrice, ''Is the son of Al-Khattab present amongst these people?'' He then returned to his companions and said, ''As for these (men), they have been killed.'' Umar could not control himself and said (to Abu Sufyan), ''You told a lie, by Allah! O enemy of Allah! All those you have mentioned are alive, and the thing which will make you unhappy is still there.'' Abu Sufyan said, ''Our victory today is a counterbalance to yours in the battle of Badr, and in war (the victory) is always undecided and is shared in turns by the belligerents, and you will find some of your (killed) men mutilated, but I did not urge my men to do so, yet I do not feel sorry for their deed'' After that he started reciting cheerfully, ''O Hubal, be high! (1) On that the Prophet said (to his companions), ''Why don't you answer him back?'' They said, ''O Allah's Apostle What shall we say?'' He said, ''Say, Allah is Higher and more Sublime.'' (Then) Abu Sufyan said, ''We have the (idol) Al Uzza, and you have no Uzza.'' The Prophet said (to his companions), ''Why don't you answer him back?'' They asked, ''O Allah's Apostle! What shall we say?'' He said, ''Says Allah is our Helper and you have no helper.''
Narrater: (Al-Bara bin Azib)   Book: (Sahi Bukhari)   Vol: (4)  Hadith No: (276)  
Hadith of The Day
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